Monday, April 13, 2009

Wander Through the Woods

We took a little time out over the weekend to go to the woods on the back of our property. I visited the pond and wandered around while DH searched for morel mushrooms.
This gorgeous plant looks like a giant bloom, planted at the base of one of the towering oaks. I'm not sure what it is called. The leaves are a very soft, fuzzy texture making me think of a plant I've seen called Lambs Ear.I captured the tracks of one of the many woods-creatures. I think likely a raccoon or skunk.I should have taken photos of the morels DH found - but those were supper tonight and are long gone! There were at least 40 of them - bountiful compared to most years. Dredged in flour, salt and pepper, then pan fried and served with bacon gravy - heaven on a plate!

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