Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Snow Day!

Sleet, freezing rain, ice and snow have brought schools, businesses and most normal activity to a halt the last couple of days. With no work or school for husband, daughter and I, we vegged out inside yesterday, avoiding the nastiness outdoors. But today the sun made a nice showing and we ventured out to play a bit.
We each took a spin on the 4-wheeler...what a blast sliding and spinning through the snow! We tried to attach a
sled to the back, but it didn't work, which is likely for the best anyway...a trip to the emergency room wasn't in my plans for today.

Clia the shop-kitty ventured outdoors to soak up some sunshine and say hello.

I wandered to the garden...what a difference from now to last July!

And I found the flower bed bunny up to her ears in the fluffy white stuff. The Sweet William and Wild Strawberries are tucked in beneath the snow next to her, protected for now from the icy winds.

What a sweet day, a brief respite from the hustle-bustle of our daily lives..
.tomorrow, back to our regularly scheduled program.


Anonymous said...

It is so nice to meet you! I am from over at Junk Revolution. Love your blog, you are very creative. Keep up the good work. I will be back!

Teresa@Much-A-Do said...

How nice - thank you! Don't you love Junk Revolution? I look forward to seeing you over there...come back and visit here anytime!

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