Friday, January 2, 2009

A beautiful beginning - 2009

Today was G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S!
And so what if it is the 2nd instead of Jan. 1?
I'm ignoring yesterday - today was much better!
The sun was shining, the breeze was mild, and I spent hours outdoors. It was perfect!

These luscious hot-pink flowers were a gift from my boss this holiday season. I just learned today, thanks to a website I found (, that this is Cyclamen.
I'm disappointed they won't survive planting in my area, but with a little effort, maybe I can keep this as a houseplant with a little outdoor-time in the summer.

In addition to seeking an answer to the what-kind-of plant mystery, I tied up my Wisteria that had fallen over, mulched the kitchen garden beds with chopped leaves my son had dropped off from his yard and re-potted some aloe that had outgrown its last pot. The odds of many more January days in the 60s is pretty unlikely, so I made the most of it.

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