Showing posts with label Tree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tree. Show all posts

Monday, March 10, 2008

Robins in the Hand Tree

My daughter is blossoming in so many ways. Not the least of which is her creative bloom. She has a yen to be a master cake decorator, and so with Dad and I insisting she get her undergrad degree before she leaps into that world of frosting, fondant and sugar-roses, she has decided to major in Art. Now, mind you, she is several months from starting college, much less declaring a major, but she has her mind made up....for now. However, she has definitely shown some creative stretching during this year. Her previous project - a wire shape covered with nylon hosiery - became a beautiful red Cardinal. And this plaster hand could not be satisfied with a realist's finish of skin tones and nails, but instead begged to be a part of our spring world developing right outside the window. So budding limbs and Robin's eggs grace the Sycamore Hand, complete with tree swing.

I love seeing her imagination run amuck!
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